Assets, i.e. shortlisted-stocks for investment in the previous section, are correlated and follow the CAPM specification
Return on NIFTY is defined as the market return
NIFTY follows the Black-Scholes-Merton
First order approximation has been used for the portfolio return-transfer function1
Some stock-portfolio was prepared (my trade secret, used some wicked fundamental analysis to shortlist a few shares). Opportunity for investment is being verified through the use of probability theory. The following is the model based on the above assumptions.
%DELTA Y_{t}=%ALPHA+ diag(%DELTA m_{t}) %BETA^{T}+%EPSILON_{t} where %EPSILON_{t} sim N(0,%SIGMA) 2
dm(t)= r_f m(t)dt+%sigma m(t)dz, where %D
ELTA z(t)= %eta(t) sqrt{%DELTA t}, %eta(t) sim N(0,1)
The above specifications result in the following distribution for the portfolio value.
ln(e^{r_f (T-t)}v_T divides t)sim N(ln(v_t)+(T-t) W^T (A+%BETA (r_f - {%sigma^2} over {2})), (T-t)({(W^T %BETA)}^2 %sigma^2+W^T %SIGMA W))
Thus, risk neutral valuation provides us with the following formula;
v_t (risk neutral)= E(v_T divides t) =v_t e^{(T-t) (W^T (A+ %BETA (r_f - {%sigma^2} over {2})) + ({(W^T %BETA)}^2 %sigma^2+W^T %SIGMA W)over 2-r_f)}
Note that the above notations hold for the following parameters
Y = vector of prices for individual stocks in the portfolio
m = NIFTY price levels
v = value of portfolio
W = contribution vector (weightage) for individual shares in the portfolio
rf = risk-free rate of return (6.5%)
T = planning horizon (coincides with the expiry date
of any traded option on NIFTY)
t = time consumed in the planning horizon
We started tracking the market from 3rd Nov. 2008 to 5th Dec 2008. The above formula was used to gauge the intrinsic value of the portfolio in the stock-market. Everyday the parameter %sigma (implied volatility) was estimated from the derivatives market and the risk-neutral valuation of portfolio was carried out for a planning horizon extending upto 25th Dec 2008. The following is the chart of expected loss of risk-neutral opportunity.

1 comment:
get ready with your openoffice math (OOoM) to understand the text in red
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